Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Methods of Processing Turmeric for Treating Various Diseases

Saffron or turmeric or Curcuma domestica Vahl is a plant commonly used as a spice or natural dyes in foods but may also be used for the treatment of various diseases. Turmeric contains curcumin, 10% desmethoxycurcumin, 1-5% bisdesmethoxycurcumin. Other substances useful in turmeric essential oil which is composed of sesquiterpene ketones, turmeron, tumeon 60%, 25% zingiberen, felandren, sabinen, borneol and sineil. Turmeric contains about 1 -3% fat, 3% carbohydrate, 30% protein, 8% starch, 45-55% Vitamin C, iron, phosphorus, and calcium.

In India, turmeric has been used since 2500 years ago for treatment. The antiseptic and anti-bacterial efficacies in turmeric have the same ability with fluoride for teeth. Turmeric also has the ability to cure psoriasis and inflammation of the joints, and overcoming depression and digestive problems.
Here are the benefits of turmeric for treatment:

  • Turmeric has the ability to increase the amount of antioxidants in the body. Curcumin has the ability to boost immunity.
  • Curcumin in turmeric has the ability to inhibit the growth of new blood vessels so that by this ability, turmeric may prevent and treat cancer.
  • Pharmacological effects contained in turmeric may increase blood flow and menstruation, as well as reducing fatigue and pain during menses.
  • Turmeric can be a natural anticoagulant that can hinder blood clotting and prevent thrombosis.
  • Turmeric has the ability to lower blood pressure, treat diarrhea, stomach ache, rheumatism, appendicitis and asthma.
  • Natural analgesic properties of turmeric can reduce pain. Its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties can treat arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Turmeric has the potential to extend the term of the brain's cognitive abilities so as to inhibit senility.
Methods of processing turmeric for treating various diseases.

Fever You’ll need 20g turmeric rhizome, 100ml lukewarm water. Clean the turmeric and then shred it. Mix the grated turmeric with 100ml water then squeeze and strain it. Drink the juice 2 times a day.

Diarrhea Mix some sliced turmeric with 1 tablespoon of whiting liquid. Boil and stir until blended then strain. Drink 3 times a day.

Ulcer Turmeric is shredded and mixed with 1 tablespoon of whiting liquid and juice of a lime, then stir until blended. Apply these ingredients to the ulcer.

Itching and Chicken Pox
A piece of turmeric is blended with a handful of clean tamarind leaves. The blend then pounded or blended until smooth. Spread ingredients on the chicken pox or the itchy part of the body.

Vaginal Smear
Grate 15 grams of peeled old turmeric. Combine the grated turmeric with 150ml tamarind juice and brown sugar. Squeeze the mixture then filter and drink every day.

Half-finger turmeric is grated and mixed with 2 tablespoons of water. Stir the mixture then squeeze it. The juice is then mixed with a chicken egg yolk and a little whiting liquid. Stir well then drink 1-2 times a day.

Gingivitis Turmeric and 3 pieces of sliced ​​gambier then boiled in 2 cups of water. Wait to boil until the remaining 1 cup. The water used as mouthwash 3-4 times a day.

Prepare turmeric and leaves of srigading (15gram), nutmeg and cardamom (10 gram), coriander, black cumin and cloves (5 gram). Boil all ingredients with 3 cups water wait until the water remains 1 cup. Filter the stew to drink in the morning, noon and evening.

Stomach Heartburn during Menstruation
You need 1 turmeric rhizome by 4 cm, 1 by 4 cm ginger, 1/2 kencur 4 cm.
Grate all the ingredients and then squeeze the juice to get the water. The result is mixed with freshly squeezed lime juice. Brew the juice with half a glass of hot water and then filter it.

Skin and general health (Jamu)
You need 100 grams of fresh turmeric rhizome, lemon juice 100ml, 1.5 tablespoons of honey and water. Turmeric is crushed or mashed in blender then mixed with honey and lemon juice. Add enough water and drink regularly 1-3 times a day.

Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
Boil turmeric and half a teaspoon of salt in 1 liter of water until boiled then cool and strain. Drink 1/2 cup 2 times a week.

You’ll need 2 turmeric rhizomes, 1 serai, and 1 sheet of sambiloto leaf. All the ingredients are mixed and then ground or blender until smooth. Squeeze the mixture of materials that have been crushed to take the juice. Add a cup of warm water then filter it. Drink the herbal medicine for one week.

1-2 pieces of turmeric, gambier and whiting are boiled in 2 cups of water. Wait until the water remains 1 cup. Filter the decoction to be taken 1-2 times a day.

Breast Milk
Mash a turmeric rhizome until smooth then spread it to the breast once in two days.

Mash or blend 2 rhizomes of turmeric and 1 handful of eceng leaves then apply on the waterproken.

You’ll need 1 turmeric rhizome, 1 piece of gambier, 1/4 tablespoon whiting. Boil all ingredients with 2 cups of water until remains 1 cup, then strain. Drink 2 times a day 1/2 cup in the morning and evening.

Diarrhea You’ll need rhizome of turmeric; 1/2 teaspoon rasuk angin; 3 seeds of coriander; 1 seed Kayu Ules fruit ; a piece of trawas leaf(Litseae odoriferae Folium). Mash or blend all the ingredients and then mix the mixture with 115 ml of water and then boil it. Filter the stew. Drink the herbal in the morning and afternoon.

Turmeric is also beneficial for beauty. Turmeric can be used to scrub the skin to have smooth skin. Turmeric is not good for pregnant women because it can interfere with the fetus. Turmeric is also not allowed to be used by people with gallstones and older people.

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